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Not True, Subtropical Plant Soybeans

Written By bos blog on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011 | 19.49

Not entirely correct assumption that the soybean plant is a plant that is only fit to grow and produce high in subtropical countries (cold air) and less fit when grown in Indonesia.

"His research already exists, so with the right technology, soybeans grown in Indonesia are able to achieve production of more than three tons per hectare in some cases experimental soybean production could exceed 4.5 tons per hectare," said Deputy LIPI Prof Biological Sciences Dr. Endang Sukara in Cibinong Sciense Center Bogor, on Thursday 

Average productivity of the national soybean low only 1.2 tonnes per hectare compared to the U.S. reached 2.3 tons per hectare, he said, because farmers planted less interested in the country as a main crop.

"This is related trade system that is not profitable soybean farmers, imports are preferred, there is no national policy to seek to develop self-sufficiency in soybeans," he said.

According to him, in the past in sub-tropical countries even harder to plant soybeans because it is very susceptible to pests and diseases, so the case of soybean pests and diseases not only the problem of tropical countries.

Then the developed countries are applying genetic engineering of soybeans that are resistant to pests and herbicides. Soybeans grown in developed countries 80 percent is an organism that has been genetically modified (GMO).

Problem GMOs, according to him, Indonesia has not been necessary to do so, because the existing research alone is enough to increase the productivity of the national soybean more than doubled.

The problem is the application of aquaculture technology in the field is still low, the weak capital for farmers to plant soybeans since no credit is willing to guarantee it.

"Meanwhile, the price of imported soybeans is always lower than the local soybean farmers, due to various facilities such as import credit facilities, GSM, Triple C, PL-480, LC and others retreat of the state soybean producer and import duties that had zero percent, so increasingly difficult for local farmers and make them switch to other commodities, "he said.

Plus, the problem of scarcity of seeds during the planting season soybean seed prices are linked to the government set very low at 4500 rupiah per kilo on the manufacturers to produce seed when it is difficult and risky.
To achieve self-sufficiency in soybean acreage is actually required only one million hectares with productivity from 2.5 to 3 tons per ha, while the current soybean planting acreage of 600 thousand ha with productivity of 1.19 tonnes per ha.
19.49 | 0 komentar | Read More

Black Soybean More Excellent

MALANG, WEDNESDAY - A number of researchers from the Agency for Plant Research Nuts and Tuber (Balitkabi) Malang, East Java, found three black soybean varieties. Three varieties of black soybean has advantages compared with imported soybeans or soybean is grown locally for the community.

Three varieties of soybean that black is 9837/KD-8-175 (plan named Khibar or black soybean seed size large), 9837/WD-5-211 (planned to be named Khipro black soy protein or high), and W/9837 -D-6-220 (planned to be named Khilau berkotiledon green or black beans). All three studied since 1998.

Third advantage is the production of soybeans can produce about 18 percent more compared with others such as soy Cikuray, Burangrang, and Wilis.

"In fact, black soya is also superior to soy Mallika released in February 2007. Therefore, Mallika has the power of soy as much as 2.34 tons per hectare, while the black soybean has a yield 2.51 tons per hectare," said a breeder Balitkabi plants that found three new soybean varieties are black, Ir Moch Muchlish Adie MS, on Wednesday (16 / 1) in Malang. Other plant breeders who helped give birth three black soybean varieties are U.S. Rev. Billy, Suyamto, and Arifin.

According Muchlish, the advantage of three soybean it is these three major types of soybeans (14 gram/100 soy beans) are used in industries such as tofu and tempeh in Indonesia today. During this time many farmers planted soybeans in Indonesia is the kind of being (10 gram/100 soy beans). "Soybeans are very suitable to the needs of industry, either out-tempeh or soy sauce," said Muchlish.

Another advantage, all three have a high protein, which reached 45.58 percent. While soybeans and soybean imports are widely cultivated in Indonesia now has a protein content of 6-37 percent. "Hopefully this can be removed soybeans this year and could soon be disseminated and developed. The hope, can slightly erode Indonesia's dependence on imported soybean," said Muchlish. (DIA)
19.46 | 0 komentar | Read More

Prevent a big belly with Soy

Soy is not only rich in vegetable proteins, but also efficacious to prevent accumulation of fat in the abdominal circumference, especially in postmenopausal women.

For women, appearance is one of the most important thing. The body is sleek and beautiful has always been a desire of each of the Eve, so they look perfect. However, problems usually arise when women began entering the period of menopause or cessation of menstrual periods. A woman usually begin to experience problems related to physical and psychological changes that occur in the body. This problem could spread to other things including the body shape is no longer as beautiful as a teenager.

Cessation of menstruation or periods can lead to accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body especially around the waist, so limgkar rise waist. In other words, you grew fat.

The problem is certainly not the accumulation of fat could go unpunished. Now there is a new hope to overcome the problem of fat is one of them by eating soy regularly.

A study done by researchers recently showed that consumption of soy beverages can improve the appearance of women. In the study, postmenopausal women who regularly consume soy beverage every day for three months, tend to have more slender abdomen than their counterparts who drank milk.

Soy contains isoflavones, which is structurally similar to estrogen and attach to estrogen receptors in the layer of fat. So, in theory isoflavones in soy may help regulate body fat metabolism.

"These findings seem to be the first to show that the protein may affect the distribution of fat in the abdomen," said lead researcher Dr. Cynthia K. Sites, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham who published his research in the medical journal "Fertility and Sterility"

In his research, Sites involving as many as 18 women in his 50s who had entered menopause between one and five years. Half of them were given drinks shakes of soy every day, while the other half ate a milkshake containing the protein casein.

Respondents were asked to drink a half pint drink the shakes for breakfast and half at dinner. They also have to replace the daily drink with other foods to prevent weight gain.

After three months, the researchers found that women who drank soy has a circumference of abdominal fat is more slender than that drinking milk, even though both groups showed similar changes in weight and fat throughout the body.

"It's not clear why the protein in soy may affect fat especially in the abdominal circumference. Whatever the mechanism, our data suggest that soy protein containing isoflavones may prevent the accumulation of fat in the abdomen," said Sites.

Researchers emphasize that prevents accumulation of fat in middle age is very important because the excessive fat in the abdomen associated with high risks of diabetes and heart disease. They also hope there will be continued research to uncover the potential of the proteins in soy.
19.45 | 0 komentar | Read More

Indonesian Crisis Threatened Protein

Indonesia threatened the nation's crisis of vegetable and animal protein as soybean and corn prices continue to soar and the impact on livestock feed prices rise. This then affected the prices of chicken meat that ends the poor increasingly difficult to eat.

Expert Staff Central Board Poultry Breeders Association of Indonesia (DPP PPUI) Wario Sahru said it was in Bandung on Wednesday (16 / 1).

Wario explained, since the end of last year's already high corn prices, ie 1,600 per kilogram (kg). These prices continue to soar and see-through number 2800 rupiah per kg in early 2008. As a result, animal feed prices rose from 3,000 rupiah per kg to 4300 rupiah per kg.

With prices for animal feed, he continued, poultry (day old chicken / DOC) to 2,500 dollars per head. "This resulted in break-even point (BEP) of chicken meat go up to 11,000 rupiah per kg. Means the price of chicken meat at home is 12,000 rupiah per kg and the market reached 20,000 rupiah per kg, "said Wario.

With prices that high, up Wario, who can afford to buy meat chicken only the upper middle class. As for the middle to lower that number the majority in this country, the harder it is to buy it. What happens then is the crisis of animal protein.
"Now that soy is also increasingly difficult, so the crisis is also threatening vegetable protein," he said.

High prices of corn, said DPP Secretary III PPUI Ashwin Pulungan, because the government does not defend the farmers and ranchers. Food security is defined simply as an effort of government procurement of food from wherever it came from, though it must be imported.

Ashwin said, Indonesia is now importing about 1.7 million tons of corn per year from around the needs of 3.5 million tons per year. Only 5 per cent import duty, while not empowered farmers to plant corn. "It should import duties increased by 10 percent and farmers are empowered. Thus, corn prices could go down because of domestic supply increases and farmers remain prosperous, "he said.

In addition, Ashwin also deplored the government's plans to change the Act No. 6 of 1967 regarding Basic Principles of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health. Initially, the law obliges the government to empower farm by involving the people. "In the revised law, breeding business by involving the people removed and taken to foreign investors (FDI)," says Ashwin.

According to Ashwin, the new draft Law on Foreign Investment designs that continue to menonopoli livestock farms as well as the people off. Currently, at least 50 percent of farm businesses controlled by the PMA.

At the same time, many people are dead livestock. PPUI 80,000 members who originally lived 10 percent. The rest out of business not being able to compete and a lack of capital.

Then, says Ashwin, PMA as the people involved in poultry farming partnership pattern. How, given the indigenous residents to raise capital, but must sell the result to the PMA. "This is an integral extension of the monopoly of the business conducted large-scale company," said Ashwin.

The indications, various meetings held to decide the price DOC FDI up or down simultaneously in all the chicken breeding industry. This coupled with the sale of control hens (parent stock) by the PMA.

Other indications, the PMA-free cultivation of commercial chicken farms in the name of the partnership. Price of chicken meat in the market was destroyed during PMA chicken into traditional markets.
19.42 | 0 komentar | Read More

Nutrient Content of Soybean

Although made from the same, products processed from soybeans contain different nutrients. Lecturer at the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Sugiyono, say, to determine the nutritional value of a food should be measured by levels of certain content, such as protein content, fat content, levels of certain vitamins, fiber content, and more another.

Nutritional value of a food should also be associated with the goal of eating it. For people who are dieting, low fat content of foods that are considered better than foods high in fat content. Conversely, for a lack of energy is better to consume foods high in fat content.

Products made from soybeans, according to Sugiyono, generally have relatively high protein content. Tofu is basically composed of proteins and water so that high levels of protein. Meanwhile, tempeh contains not only high in protein, but also contains fat, vitamins, minerals, and have a good digestive power.

Soy sauce and soy milk contains protein and fat are not too high (levels of protein and fat content of less than 5 percent). Tauco contains proteins and fats from soy. Curd contains proteins and fats is relatively high.

Overall, according to Sugiyono, among the products above, tempeh has a protein content, fat content, mineral content, vitamin, fiber content, and the digestibility is high. Antigizi substance levels are also low in Tempe. The lower anti-nutritional substances, then the better the nutrient content in a food.


Soy products have a different resistance so it is stored. Tofu should be stored in the refrigerator and can hold for a few days. At room temperature, out can only hold half-day or one day.

"If you know can hold more than one day at room temperature, most likely know that already given a preservative," said Sugiyono. Soy milk is also not durable. For that soy milk should be stored in the fridge after purchased or made, except for soy milk product that has been sterilized in the packaging.

As for Tempe, oncom, and tempeh gembus can hold it for one or two days at room temperature. Tempe should be stored in the refrigerator so it can hold for a few days.

Soy sauce can be durable and tauco at room temperature. If tauco already opened the packaging should be stored in the refrigerator. Curd, baby food, snacks, and mock meat can also be stored at room temperature for dry and durable. Similarly, soybean oil
19.36 | 0 komentar | Read More

Soybean, Milk From Tempe Up

Before the 1990's, boiled soybeans are known as morning or afternoon snack is usually served in homes. Along with the change of time, the snack that has high protein levels began to disappear from the table.


As a food, many people do not really know the quality of soybeans. Once when people eat boiled soybeans are considered ndeso or katro. Soybean meal is often labeled as cheap.

In fact, among the kinds of other nuts, soy is a source of protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber are best. Soybeans are also able to help maintain healthy kidneys, heart, diabetes, rheumatism, anemia, hypertension, diarrhea, and hepatitis.

According to the lecturer at the Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Sugiyono, soybeans contain 40 percent protein, oil (20 percent), carbohydrates (35 percent), and ash or minerals (4.9 percent). Soy protein contains amino acid lysine, but low in the amino acids methionine and cystine. Amino acids are essential amino acids the body needs.

Although soybean shortage of amino acids methionine and cystine, according Sugiyono, eat foods made from raw soybeans is very useful to meet protein needs. Deficiency of essential amino acids methionine and cystine can reasonably be met through the rice that we eat everyday.

"The content of nutrients in foods no one is perfect. That is why we are required to eat a varied and balanced diet, that is to be complementary, "said Sugiyono. (Lusiana Indriasari)


Although small shape, soybeans can be processed into various food products. Traditional food as we know it today, ie tofu, tempeh, soy sauce, tauco, soy milk, curd, oncom, tempeh gembus, and others made from soy.

How to cultivate soybeans is quite simple. Tofu is made from soy, marinated then milled with the addition of water. After that, soybean mill is heated and then filtered to take the juice, which is called soya milk or soy.

Soya is then coagulated with a coagulant material out, which is calcium sulfate or vinegar so that the protein clot. Clumps of this protein is then printed to know.

Soybeans can also be fermented into tempeh, soy sauce, or tauco. To make tempeh, soy nuts peeled and boiled until fairly soft. Soybean then drained as he was cooled. Having given yeast, soy wrapped in leaves or plastic that are small holes. This process takes 2-3 days for whole soybeans can be tempeh.

The manufacture of soy sauce tauco and almost the same. Once peeled and soaked in water, soy sauce was given yeast or yeast fungus and left for 2-3 days. After the mushrooms grown soybeans then dried and soaked with salt water for a month or more. To be or tauco soy sauce, soy and squeezed, the juice is taken, and coupled with the spices so that the soy sauce and tauco.

Sugiyono add, soy is now not only processed into traditional foods, such as tofu, tempeh, oncom, tauco, or soy sauce. Through different processes, soybeans can be processed into one of the ingredients of baby food, soy milk, oil, lecithin, and even mock meat. This widely used artificial meat restaurant provides a menu for vegetarians.

Soy milk

Besides tempeh and tofu, a product that is no less popular today is soy milk. Soy milk is often considered to help maintain a healthy body.

Soy milk is now easily found in many supermarkets, packaged in plastic, bottles, until the carton. Soy milk is also widely sold around the housing complex.

The composition of soy milk is similar to cow's milk. Therefore, soy milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk, especially for those who are allergic to lactose in cow's milk. Toddlers need only two glasses of soy milk to meet 30 percent of daily protein needs.

However, soy milk does not contain vitamin B12 and minerals, especially calcium, less than cow's milk. Therefore, soy milk is usually produced by the plant always supplemented with minerals and vitamins.

Advances in technology also makes soy ingredients used in medicine. Lecithin in soybean oil, for example, made into infusion for the treatment of coronary heart disease.

One obstacle why the processed soy products are not many people enjoy is the unpleasant smell. Sugiyono said, an unpleasant odor in soybean derived from the hydrolysis reaction of unsaturated fatty acids by enzymes lipoksigenase. This reaction produces a volatile compound.
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